The Accident, the Advocate, and the User Experience Designer
It happened so quickly. I was walking down a towering hill in my neighborhood. The warmth of the sun was shining on my face. The beat of the music was lightening my step and mood. That’s when I heard it—
The Perils of Poor Design: The Oven Chronicles
Several months ago, my household underwent an abrupt culinary disruption when our stovetop oven stopped working.
An Unconventional Path
I believe that our experiences shape not only who we are but also the work we do. This post, as the first guest blog writer for UXPA International, is about my unconventional path in the field of User Experience Research and Design. I hope this blog inspires you to embrace your unique path.
Designing for Impact
How does UX Design relate to the majestic views of the Grand Canyon? Read my latest blog to find out!
“It’s Not About You.”
“Users are not designers, and designers are not users.” This fundamental principle is encapsulated in the powerful mantra of UX design— “It’s not about you” or, more aptly said by Jakob Nielsen, “You are ot the user.”
“It Depends”
In the dynamic world of UX design, where decisions shape user experiences, there's a powerful two-word phrase that often serves as the ultimate pause button: "It depends." These words carry more weight than meets the eye, and they serve as a diplomatic reminder that the user's needs and context should precede design decisions.